topao is fashion brand that proposal lifestyle to women around world with enjoying art.

2021/10/21 20:21






確かに、様々な種類の観葉植物が取り揃えてあるお店に行くと  ほっ😌  とついつい長居してしまいます。


10月も いや、2021年も残りわずか。素敵な時間が過ごせますように💚

Healing green

It suddenly became cold.

My skin is dry, I have to change my clothes for winter, December is just around the corner, so I have to make a plan for the year-end and New Year holidays ...

I think there are many women who are having a busy time as soon as Corona has settled down a little.

At such times, why not spend a relaxing time with the power of green.

It seems that green has a psychological effect of relaxing and calming people's feelings.

Certainly, if you go to a store that has various kinds of foliage plants, you will end up staying longer.

Ah, busy and busy ... fluttering fluttering ... Please be healed by the power of foliage plants and greenery at such times.

Only a few days left in October. I wish you a wonderful time.